Gears And Gear Racks - Browse Top List of Industrial and Automation Parts

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Part No Manufacturer Description QTY RFQ
TS1221 martin external tooth spur gear 12 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 1 in face, 21 teeth, 1.917 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/4 to 13/16 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2674 RFQ
NCG12104 browning 1224112 change gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 104 teeth, 0.7500 in bushing bore dia., 0.7500 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 2346 RFQ
YCS16H96 browning 1219914 external tooth spur gear cast iron, 16 dp, 20 ° pa, 3/4 in face, 96 teeth, 3/8 to 1-1/2 in bore, bushed 1439 RFQ
H3228 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 32 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 0.188 in face, 28 teeth, 0.937 in outside diameter, rough stock, 5/16 in bore, hub with set screw, steel material 2308 RFQ
TR5X2 martin tr5x2 2008 RFQ
HQSH-1 boston gear altra boston gearhqsh-1, worm, pitch: 48"", pressure angle: 25°, steel, threads: 4, pitch diameter: 0.333"", right hand 2224 RFQ
TS540 martin external tooth spur gear 5 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 2-1/2 in face, 40 teeth, 8.4 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-1/4 to 2-3/8 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 1756 RFQ
NSS1680 browning 1211259 external tooth spur gear steel, 16 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 1/2 in face, 80 teeth, 5/8 to 1-1/4 in bore, rough stock 1488 RFQ
NSS2017 browning 1210566 external tooth spur gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 17 teeth, 0.3750 in face, 0.3750 in bore, 0.9500 in od, material: steel 2632 RFQ
H3224 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 32 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 0.188 in face, 24 teeth, 0.812 in outside diameter, rough stock, 5/16 in bore, hub with set screw, steel material 1181 RFQ
GB57B boston gear altra change gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 57 teeth, 0.5000 in bushing bore dia., 0.5000 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1372 RFQ
L2012-6 boston gear altra gear rack 12 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 1 in width, 6 ft oal, steel material 2376 RFQ
NCG1040 browning 1224484 change gear 10 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 40 teeth, 1.0000 in bushing bore dia., 1.0000 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 2616 RFQ
NCG1231 browning 1223445 change gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 31 teeth, 0.7500 in bushing bore dia., 0.7500 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 2430 RFQ
HLK104Y boston gear altra miter gear 10 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 25 teeth, finished w/ keyway, 0.56 in face width 1564 RFQ
GB34 boston gear altra change gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 34 teeth, 0.5000 in bushing bore dia., 0.5000 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1385 RFQ
R8X2 martin gear rack 8 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1-1/4 in width, 2 ft oal, steel material 2139 RFQ
S1272 martin external tooth spur gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/4 in face, 72 teeth, 6.166 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/4 to 1-3/4 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2069 RFQ
S580 martin external tooth spur gear 5 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1-3/4 in face, 80 teeth, 16.4 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-3/16 to 3-1/8 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2444 RFQ
S1626 martin external tooth spur gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1/2 in face, 26 teeth, 1-3/4 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1/2 to 7/8 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2464 RFQ
NSS16F32X1 browning 1215508 external tooth spur gear steel, 16 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 1/2 in face, 32 teeth, 1 in bore, finished 2986 RFQ
NA20B-3 8 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/8 in face, 20 teeth, 1.1 in outside diameter, finished bore, 3/8 in bore, hub with keyway and set screw, steel material 1914 RFQ
NSS3256 browning 1210095 external tooth spur gear steel, 32 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 3/16 in face, 56 teeth, 3/8 to 1/2 in bore, rough stock 1595 RFQ
YSBS14F32RH-20X7 8 browning 1228725 bevel pinion gear 14 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 32 teeth, finished w/ keyway, 0.38 in face width 1452 RFQ
W620D martin martin sprocket and gear w620d, worm gear, pitch: 6"", pressure angle: 14.5°, cast iron, threads: 2, 20 teeth, right hand 1929 RFQ
S1664 martin external tooth spur gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1/2 in face, 64 teeth, 4-1/8 in outside diameter, rough stock, 5/8 to 1-1/4 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2093 RFQ
H2430L boston gear altra boston gear h2430l stl helical gear 1465 RFQ
L518-6 boston gear altra gear rack 8 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1-1/4 in width, 6 ft oal, steel material 1227 RFQ
GB26 boston gear altra change gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 26 teeth, 0.5000 in bushing bore dia., 0.5000 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1828 RFQ
GD97A boston gear altra change gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 97 teeth, 0.7500 in bushing bore dia., 0.7500 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1964 RFQ
YSS1015 browning 1218890 external tooth spur gear steel, 10 dp, 20 ° pa, 1-1/4 in face, 15 teeth, 3/4 in bore, rough stock 2121 RFQ
HS618R boston gear altra boston gearhs618r, helical gear, pitch: 6"", pressure angle: 14.5°, steel, 18 teeth right hand, pitch diameter: 3" 2196 RFQ
PA726Y-P boston gear altra boston gear pa726y-p steel bevel gear 1000 RFQ
NB11B-3 8 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1/2 in face, 11 teeth, 7/8 in outside diameter, finished bore, 3/8 in bore, hub with keyway and set screw, steel material 1121 RFQ
HDTH-1 boston gear altra boston gear hdth steel gear-h/worm 2392 RFQ
YSS1230 browning 1218726 external tooth spur gear steel, 12 dp, 20 ° pa, 1 in face, 30 teeth, 3/4 to 1-3/8 in bore, rough stock 2060 RFQ
L158Y-G boston gear altra bevel gear 6 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 36 teeth, plain, 1.07 in face width 1459 RFQ
GD39B boston gear altra change gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 39 teeth, 0.7500 in bushing bore dia., 0.7500 in face width, 3.4170 in o.d. 1201 RFQ
S480 martin external tooth spur gear 4 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 2 in face, 80 teeth, 20-1/2 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-3/8 to 3-1/4 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 1793 RFQ
H1624R boston gear altra boston gearh1624r, helical gear, pitch: 16"", pressure angle: 14.5°, steel, 24 teeth right hand, pitch diameter: 1-1/2" 1257 RFQ
GD25 boston gear altra change gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 25 teeth, 0.7500 in bushing bore dia., 0.7500 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 2283 RFQ
NL20B boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 4 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 2 in face, 20 teeth, 5-1/2 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-1/8 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, steel material 1290 RFQ
YA140 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 20 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 1/2 in face, 140 teeth, 7.1 in outside diameter, rough stock, 5/8 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, cast iron material 1740 RFQ
BS1030-15 martin bevel gear 10 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 30 teeth, plain, 0.57 in face width 1160 RFQ
S2024 martin external tooth spur gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/8 in face, 24 teeth, 1.3 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/8 to 9/16 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2449 RFQ
NCS1696 browning 1211283 external tooth spur gear cast iron, 16 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 1/2 in face, 96 teeth, 5/8 to 1-1/4 in bore, rough stock 2610 RFQ
B515-3 martin bevel pinion gear 5 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 15 teeth, plain, 1.31 in face width 1366 RFQ
HB810L boston gear altra boston gearhb810l, helical gear, pitch: 8"", pressure angle: 14.5°, bronze, 10 teeth left hand, pitch diameter: 1-1/4" 1151 RFQ
NA72 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/8 in face, 72 teeth, 3.7 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/8 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, cast iron material 1246 RFQ
NSS8P42 browning 1214154 external tooth spur gear steel, 8 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 1-1/4 in face, 42 teeth, 1/2 to 1-3/4 in bore, bushed 2719 RFQ
NA200B boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/8 in face, 200 teeth, 10.1 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1/2 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, cast iron material 1523 RFQ
NA30B-3 8 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/8 in face, 30 teeth, 1.6 in outside diameter, finished bore, 3/8 in bore, hub with keyway and set screw, steel material 1090 RFQ
XR158-2YR boston gear altra miter gear 1213 RFQ
RA12X2 martin gear rack 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/4 in width, 2 ft oal, steel material 1992 RFQ
NCS3R72 browning 1214956 external tooth spur gear 3 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 72 teeth, 3.0000 in face, 24.6600 in od, material: cast iron 2959 RFQ
D1431A RH boston gear altra boston gear d1431a rh c. i. worm gear 1758 RFQ
H1086LH boston gear altra boston gearh1086lh, worm, pitch: 6"", pressure angle: 14.5°, steel, threads: 1, pitch diameter: 2"", face width: 2-1/2" 2550 RFQ
GP1616Y boston gear altra miter gear 16 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 16 teeth, plain, 0.23 in face width 2927 RFQ
TS1630 martin external tooth spur gear 16 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 3/4 in face, 30 teeth, 2 in outside diameter, rough stock, 5/8 to 15/16 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 1126 RFQ
TS1055 martin external tooth spur gear 10 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 1-1/4 in face, 55 teeth, 5.7 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1 to 2-1/2 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2453 RFQ
G860RH boston gear altra boston gearg860, worm gear, pitch: 8"", pressure angle: 14.5°, cast iron, threads: 1, 60 teeth, pitch diameter: 7-1/2" 1743 RFQ
HLK115Y boston gear altra miter gear 8 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 24 teeth, finished w/ keyway, 0.66 in face width 1408 RFQ
NCS876 browning 1212547 external tooth spur gear cast iron, 8 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 1-1/4 in face, 76 teeth, 1 to 1-13/16 in bore, rough stock 2096 RFQ
DB1422 boston gear altra boston geardb1422, worm gear, pitch: 8"", pressure angle: 14.5°, bronze, threads: 2, 40 teeth, pitch diameter: 5" 1785 RFQ
NCS436 browning 1213198 external tooth spur gear 4 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 36 teeth, 2.0000 in face, 1.2500 in bore, 9.5000 in od, material: cast iron 1537 RFQ
S1620BS 1 2 martin external tooth spur gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1/2 in face, 20 teeth, 1-3/8 in outside diameter, finished bore, 1/2 in bore, hub with set screw, steel material 2799 RFQ
NCG1057 browning 1224658 change gear 10 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 57 teeth, 1.0000 in bushing bore dia., 1.0000 in face width, 5.9000 in o.d. 2157 RFQ
TS1248 martin external tooth spur gear 12 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 1 in face, 48 teeth, 4.166 in outside diameter, rough stock, 7/8 to 1-7/8 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2300 RFQ
NCG1298 browning 3427309 change gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 98 teeth, 0.7500 in bushing bore dia., 0.7500 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1896 RFQ
TS666 martin external tooth spur gear 6 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 2 in face, 66 teeth, 11.333 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-1/4 to 2-11/16 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 1992 RFQ
NCG2039 browning 1221837 change gear 20 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 39 teeth, 0.4375 in bushing bore dia., 0.3750 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 2245 RFQ
H624L boston gear altra boston gearh624l, helical gear, pitch: 6"", pressure angle: 14.5°, steel, 24 teeth left hand, pitch diameter: 4" 1523 RFQ
SS192-G boston gear altra boston gear ss192-g stl gr h/sp/bevel 2413 RFQ
L152BY-G boston gear altra bevel gear 12 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 36 teeth, plain, 0.54 in face width 1918 RFQ
NSS1036 browning 1211994 external tooth spur gear steel, 10 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 1 in face, 36 teeth, 3/4 to 1-3/4 in bore, rough stock 1197 RFQ
NSS520 browning 1212950 external tooth spur gear steel, 5 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 1-3/4 in face, 20 teeth, 1-1/16 to 2-3/8 in bore, rough stock 2930 RFQ
NCG865 browning 1225481 change gear 8 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 65 teeth, 1.1250 in bushing bore dia., 1.1250 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 2245 RFQ
NF20B boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 10 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1 in face, 20 teeth, 2.2 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/4 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, steel material 1203 RFQ
GB1062A boston gear altra boston geargb1062a, worm gear, pitch: 10"", pressure angle: 14.5°, bronze, threads: 1, 40 teeth, pitch diameter: 4" 1754 RFQ
D1148 boston gear altra boston geard1148, worm gear, pitch: 16"", pressure angle: 14.5°, bronze, threads: 2, 60 teeth, pitch diameter: 3-3/4" 2608 RFQ
C12114 martin external tooth spur gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/4 in face, 114 teeth, 9.666 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/4 to 1-11/16 in bore, hub with no screw, cast iron material 2291 RFQ
GH41A boston gear altra change gear 8 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 41 teeth, 1.1250 in bushing bore dia., 1.1250 in face width, 5.0000 in o.d. 1286 RFQ
GH77A boston gear altra change gear 5.0000 in o.d. 1722 RFQ
NSS2416A browning 1209881 external tooth spur gear 24 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 16 teeth, 0.2500 in face, 0.3125 in bore, 0.7500 in od, material: steel 2156 RFQ
NSS848 browning 1212471 external tooth spur gear steel, 8 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 1-1/4 in face, 48 teeth, 1 to 2 in bore, rough stock 2230 RFQ
HL1407 boston gear altra boston gearhl1407, worm, pitch: 12"", pressure angle: 14.5°, steel, threads: 2, pitch diameter: 1"", face width: 1-5/8" 2297 RFQ
NH22B boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 8 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1-1/4 in face, 22 teeth, 3 in outside diameter, rough stock, 7/8 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, steel material 2180 RFQ
GB98A boston gear altra change gear 16 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 98 teeth, 0.5000 in bushing bore dia., 0.5000 in face width, 6.2500 in o.d. 1730 RFQ
GS57 boston gear altra boston geargs57, pinion wire, pitch: 24"", pressure angle: 14.5°, steel, 10 teeth, pitch diameter: 0.417" 2377 RFQ
C524 martin external tooth spur gear 5 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1-3/4 in face, 24 teeth, 5.2 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-1/16 to 2-1/16 in bore, hub with no screw, cast iron material 1007 RFQ
NF64 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 10 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1 in face, 64 teeth, 6.6 in outside diameter, rough stock, 7/8 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, cast iron material 2557 RFQ
W1030D martin martin sprocket and gear w1030d, worm gear, pitch: 10"", pressure angle: 14.5°, cast iron, threads: 2, 30 teeth, right hand 1810 RFQ
ND20B-5 8 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 12 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 3/4 in face, 20 teeth, 1.834 in outside diameter, finished bore, 5/8 in bore, hub with keyway and set screw, steel material 1457 RFQ
TS430 martin external tooth spur gear 4 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 3-1/2 in face, 30 teeth, 8 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1-1/8 to 3-1/8 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2105 RFQ
NSS2454 browning 1210400 external tooth spur gear steel, 24 dp, 14.5 ° pa, 1/4 in face, 54 teeth, 3/8 to 5/8 in bore, rough stock 2330 RFQ
D620A RH boston gear altra boston gear d620a rh c. i. worm gear 2122 RFQ
HLSK118Y-R boston gear altra miter gear 6 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 24 teeth, finished w/ keyway, 0.89 in face width 1315 RFQ
S621 martin external tooth spur gear 6 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1-1/2 in face, 21 teeth, 3.833 in outside diameter, rough stock, 1 to 1-7/8 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 2983 RFQ
TS1672 martin external tooth spur gear 16 dp, 20 ° pressure angle, 3/4 in face, 72 teeth, 4-5/8 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/4 to 1-7/8 in bore, hub with no screw, steel material 1722 RFQ
G269 boston gear altra external tooth spur gear 24 dp, 14.5 ° pressure angle, 1/4 in face, 84 teeth, 3.583 in outside diameter, rough stock, 3/8 in bore, hub without keyway or set screw, brass material 2155 RFQ

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