Teco Westinghouse - Industrial Parts and Components Catalog

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Part No Category Description QTY RFQ
GP0016 motors motor, 1hp, 1200rpm, 145t frame, 3.44 fl amps (230v), rigid base mount 2255 RFQ
GH0 32C motors teco westinghouse gh0/32c motor, .33hp, 3600rpm, 56c frame, 2850 RFQ
XPV0202C motors teco westinghouse xpv0202c motor, xp, 20hp, 3600rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 256tc 2072 RFQ
GH0 32 motors teco westinghouse gh0/32 motor, .33hp, 3600rpm, 56 frame, 2788 RFQ
XP2008 motors teco westinghouse xp2008 motor, xp, 200hp, 900rpm, 3 phase, 460v, 5007b 1374 RFQ
XPV0032C motors teco westinghouse xpv0032c motor, xp, 3hp, 3600rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 182tc 1990 RFQ
XPV0306C motors teco westinghouse xpv0306c motor, xp, 30hp, 1200rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 326tc 2760 RFQ
ST0054 motors motor, single phase, 5hp, 1800rpm, 208-230v, 184t frame, tefc, hvac, energy efficient, ip44 1096 RFQ
XPV0206C motors motor, xp, 20hp, 1200rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 286tc aeuhxg/aeuhxf, nema pr., round body c-face, ip55 2173 RFQ
TWE-0720C-4-HD soft starters teco westinghouse twe-0720c-4-hd combination soft starter 480v 600hp 720a hvy duty, 2324 RFQ
NP0404C motors teco westinghouse np0404c motor, 40hp, 1800rpm, 324t frame, footed c-face, 2895 RFQ
GPV0052C motors teco westinghouse gpv0052c motor, 5hp, 3600rpm, 184tc frame, 1278 RFQ
F510-2002-C-U ac drives teco westinghouse f510-2002-c-u vfd, 230v, 1/3 phase, 2hp, 7.5a, vt, nema 1, 2579 RFQ
GP1 56 motors teco westinghouse gp1/56 motor, 1.5hp, 1200rpm, 182t frame, 1781 RFQ
XP0406 motors teco westinghouse xp0406 motor, xp, 40hp, 1200rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 364t 1054 RFQ
A510-2002-C-U ac drives teco westinghouse a510-2002-c-u vfd, 2hp, 230v, 1/3 phase, ip20/nema 1, 1963 RFQ
TWE-0515C-4-HD soft starters teco westinghouse twe-0515c-4-hd combination soft starter 480v 450hp 515a hvy duty, 1016 RFQ
F510-4040-C3-UE ac drives teco westinghouse f510-4040-c3-ue vfd, 460v, 3 phase, 40hp, 54a, vt, nema 1, 1801 RFQ
EQ7-2100-C ac drives teco westinghouse eq7-2100-c vfd, 100hp, 230v, 3 phase 1136 RFQ
A510-6050-C3-UE ac drives teco westinghouse a510-6050-c3-ue vfd, 50hp, 690v, 3 phase, nema 1, 2847 RFQ
GH0012 motors teco westinghouse gh0012 motor, 1hp, 3600rpm, 56 frame, 2130 RFQ
XP0258 motors teco westinghouse xp0258 motor, xp, 25hp, 900rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 326t 1625 RFQ
XP3002 motors teco westinghouse xp3002 motor, xp, 300hp, 3600rpm, 3 phase, 460v, 449ts 2625 RFQ
E510-205-H3N4-U ac drives teco westinghouse e510-205-h3n4-u vfd, 5hp, 230v, 3 phase, nema 4/ip66. 1851 RFQ
XP0502 motors motor, xp, 50hp, 3600rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 326ts texp nema pr. eff., 93.6 fl eff %, 91 fl pf % ip55 2996 RFQ
XP0254C motors teco westinghouse xp0254c motor, xp, 25hp, 1800rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 284tc 2768 RFQ
A510-2050-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse a510-2050-c3-u vfd, 50hp, 230v, 3 phase, ip00, 1376 RFQ
GPV0032C motors motor, 3hp, 3600rpm, 182tc frame, round body c-face, 7.34 fl amps (230v) 1841 RFQ
XP7 54 motors motor, xp, 7.5hp, 1800rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 213t texp nema pr. eff. 91.7 fl eff % 86.5 fl pf % ip55 2838 RFQ
E510-415-H3-U ac drives teco westinghouse e510-415-h3-u ac drive, 15hp, 24a, ct/vt, 460vac, 3 phase, f3, 1693 RFQ
XP7 54C motors teco westinghouse xp7/54c motor, xp, 7.5hp, 1800rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 213tc 1485 RFQ
F510-4015-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse f510-4015-c3-u vfd, 460v, 3 phase, 15hp, 23a, vt, nema 1, 2236 RFQ
ST7 54 motors teco westinghouse st7/54 motor, single phase 7.5hp, 1800rpm, 208-230v, 1874 RFQ
EPV0506C motors teco westinghouse epv0506c motor, 50hp, 1200rpm, 365tc frame, 57.8fl a (460v) 2894 RFQ
E510-202-H1FN4S-U ac drives teco westinghouse e510-202-h1fn4s-u vfd, 2hp, 230v, single phase nema 4/ip66. 1580 RFQ
NP1 52C motors teco westinghouse np1/52c motor, 1.5hp, 3600rpm, 143t frame, footed c-face, 1465 RFQ
L510-201-H3-U ac drives vfd, 1hp, 230v, 3 phase, ip20, medium duty 2188 RFQ
XP2004 motors teco westinghouse xp2004 motor, xp, 200hp, 1800rpm, 3 phase, 460v, 447t 2605 RFQ
SPT0024 motors teco westinghouse spt0024 motor, single phase 2hp, 1800rpm, 115/208/230v, 1064 RFQ
A510-4150-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse a510-4150-c3-u vfd, 150hp, 460v, 3 phase, ip00, 2352 RFQ
TWE-0180C-4-HD soft starters teco westinghouse twe-0180c-4-hd combination soft starter 480v 150hp 180a hvy duty, 1997 RFQ
F510-2050-C3-UE ac drives teco westinghouse f510-2050-c3-ue vfd, 230v, 3 phase, 50hp, 138a, vt, nema 1, 1150 RFQ
S0014C motors motor, single phase, 1hp, 1800rpm, 56c, footed c-frame, rolled steel, cap. start/ind. run, tefc 1641 RFQ
TWC-0125-4-PP soft starters soft starter pump panel package, 100hp, 460v, 140a nema 3r, pushbutton, hoa, power on/run/fault light 1460 RFQ
GH0 54 motors teco westinghouse gh0/54 motor, .5hp, 1800rpm, 56 frame, 2757 RFQ
EPV0052C motors teco westinghouse epv0052c motor, 5hp, 3600rpm, 184tc frame, 5.72fl a (460v) 1530 RFQ
S0104C motors motor, single phase, 10hp, 1800rpm, 215tc, footed c-face, cast iron, 230v, cap. start/split cap. run 2177 RFQ
TWC-0180-2-PP soft starters teco westinghouse twc-0180-2-pp soft starter pump panel package, 75hp, 230v, 200a, 2822 RFQ
EPV0036C motors teco westinghouse epv0036c motor, 3hp, 1200rpm, 213tc frame, 4.02fl a (460v) 1834 RFQ
EQ7-4015-C ac drives teco westinghouse eq7-4015-c vfd, 15hp, 460v, 3 phase 2254 RFQ
A510-4270-C3-UE ac drives teco westinghouse a510-4270-c3-ue vfd, 250hp, 460vac, 60hz, 3 phase, 2093 RFQ
GH0 52C motors teco westinghouse gh0/52c motor, .5hp, 3600rpm, 56c frame, 2445 RFQ
XP0256C motors motor, xp, 25hp, 1200rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 324tc aehhxg/aehhxf, nema premium, footed c-face, ip55 1369 RFQ
XPV0254C motors teco westinghouse xpv0254c motor, xp, 25hp, 1800rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 284tc 2657 RFQ
XP1506 motors teco westinghouse xp1506 motor, xp, 150hp, 1200rpm, 3 phase, 460v, 447t 2005 RFQ
E510-205-H3-U ac drives teco westinghouse e510-205-h3-u ac drive, 5hp, 17.5a, ct/vt, 230vac, 3 phase, f2, 1470 RFQ
TWE-0414C-4-HD soft starters teco westinghouse twe-0414c-4-hd combination soft starter 480v 350hp 414a hvy duty 2378 RFQ
F510-4008-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse f510-4008-c3-u vfd, 460v, 3 phase, 7.5hp, 11.1a, vt, nema 1, 1985 RFQ
F510-2075-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse f510-2075-c3-u vfd, 230v, 3 phase, 75hp, 200a, vt, ip20 1674 RFQ
NP0254 motors motor, 25hp, 1800rpm, 284t frame, footed frame, nema premium efficiency, 29.1 fla, 208/230/460v 2791 RFQ
XP3504 motors motor, xp, 350hp, 1800rpm, 3 phase, 460v, 5007b texp nema pr. eff. 96.2 fl eff % 87.7 fl pf % ip55 2382 RFQ
S1 54C motors teco westinghouse s1/54c motor, single phase 1.5hp, 1800rpm, 145tc, footed 1591 RFQ
E510-240-H3-U ac drives vfd, 40/50hp 115/138a ct/vt, 230vac, 3 ph. f6 20.67x11.28x10.62"", med. duty compact, nema 1/ip20 1188 RFQ
XP0014 motors teco westinghouse xp0014 motor, xp, 1hp, 1800rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 143t 2466 RFQ
XP1006R motors motor, xp, 100hp, 1200rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 444t texp nema pr. eff., 95 fl eff %, 83.5 fl pf % ip55 2164 RFQ
GH1 52 motors teco westinghouse gh1/52 motor, 1.5hp, 3600rpm, 56 frame, 2335 RFQ
GH0 26 motors teco westinghouse gh0/26 motor, .25hp, 1200rpm, 56 frame, 1123 RFQ
EQ7-2020-C ac drives teco westinghouse eq7-2020-c vfd, 20hp, 230v, 3 phase 2439 RFQ
NP0012C motors teco westinghouse np0012c motor, 1hp, 3600rpm, 143t frame, footed c-face, 1537 RFQ
GP7 52C motors motor, 7.5hp, 3600rpm, 213tc frame, footed c-face, 18.4 fl amps (230v) 2666 RFQ
A510-4100-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse a510-4100-c3-u ac drive, 100/125hp, 150/168a, ct/vt, 460v, 3 ph, 2315 RFQ
S7 54C motors teco westinghouse s7/54c motor, single phase 7.5hp, 1800rpm, 213tc, footed 2516 RFQ
TWC-0096-4-PP soft starters soft starter pump panel package, 75hp, 460v, 100a, nema 3r, pushbutton, hoa, power on/run/fault light 1059 RFQ
EPV0104C motors teco westinghouse epv0104c motor, 10hp, 1800rpm, 215tc frame, 11.6fl a (460v) 1863 RFQ
XP0506C motors teco westinghouse xp0506c motor, xp, 50hp, 1200rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 365tc 1728 RFQ
XP7 52C motors teco westinghouse xp7/52c motor, xp, 7.5hp, 3600rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 213tc 1271 RFQ
NP0156C motors teco westinghouse np0156c motor, 15hp, 1200rpm, 284t frame, footed c-face, 2190 RFQ
S0 54 motors teco westinghouse s0/54 motor, single phase .5hp, 1800rpm, 56, footed 1672 RFQ
XP0156 motors teco westinghouse xp0156 motor, xp, 15hp, 1200rpm, 3 phase, 230/460v, 284t 1133 RFQ
NP0254C motors teco westinghouse np0254c motor, 25hp, 1800rpm, 284t frame, footed c-face, 2917 RFQ
XPV0026C motors teco westinghouse xpv0026c motor, xp, 2hp, 1200rpm, 3ph., 230/460v, 184tc 2719 RFQ
GH0 54C motors teco westinghouse gh0/54c motor, .5hp, 1800rpm, 56c frame, 1114 RFQ
EQ7-2050-C ac drives teco westinghouse eq7-2050-c vfd, 50hp, 230v, 3 phase 2046 RFQ
TWE-0052B-2-HD soft starters teco westinghouse twe-0052b-2-hd combination soft starter 240v 20hp 52a heavy duty, 1876 RFQ
EPV0206C motors teco westinghouse epv0206c motor, 20hp, 1200rpm, 286tc frame, 24.3fl a (460v) 1643 RFQ
L510-202-H3-U ac drives vfd, 2hp, 230v, 3 phase, ip20, medium duty 1827 RFQ
NP0302 motors teco westinghouse np0302 motor, 30hp, 3600rpm, 286t frame, footed frame, 1718 RFQ
NP0202C motors teco westinghouse np0202c motor, 20hp, 3600rpm, 256tc frame, footed c-face, 1289 RFQ
S0104 motors motor, single phase, 10hp, 1800rpm, 215t, tefc, footed frame, cast iron, cap. start/split cap. run 1322 RFQ
A510-5003-C3-U ac drives teco westinghouse a510-5003-c3-u vfd, 3hp, 575v, 3 phase, nema 1, 1890 RFQ

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