Sgs Tool Company - Industrial Parts and Components Catalog

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Part No Category Description QTY RFQ
30003 industrial automation 30003 ser1 13/64x1/4x2-1/2 sgs 4fl carbide sem altin 1638 RFQ
30035 industrial automation 30035 1b 5/64x1/8x1.5 altin sgs 4fl ball carbide sem 1625 RFQ
30564 industrial automation 30564 1/2 x 1/2 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde ball sem 2070 RFQ
30034 industrial automation 30034 1b 1/16x1/8x1.5 altin sgs 4fl ball carbide sem 2488 RFQ
30476 industrial automation 30476 3b 3/32x1/8x1.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 2770 RFQ
30561 industrial automation 30561 31/64 x 1/2 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde sem 2296 RFQ
30521 industrial automation 30521 11/64 x 3/16 sh cc 3fl sgs sol/cbde sem 1296 RFQ
30471 industrial automation 30471 3b 1/64x1/8x1.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 1828 RFQ
30038 industrial automation 30038 1b1/8x1/8x1/2x1.5altin sgs 4fl ball carbide sem 2633 RFQ
34866 cutting tools 34866 1/2 x 1/2 x 1-5/8 x 4 3fl sq tb 1522 RFQ
30481 industrial automation 30481 3b 11/64x3/16x2 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 2109 RFQ
30036 industrial automation 30036 1b 3/32x1/8x1.5 altin sgs 4fl ball carbide sem 1317 RFQ
32691 cutting tools 32691 1/8,5/32loc,3fl,sc,square em 1504 RFQ
30007 industrial automation 30007 ser1 17/64x5/16x2-1/2 sgs 4fl carbide sem altin 1256 RFQ
34981 cutting tools 34981 1/2x1/2x1-4/8x4 3fl tb ball nose 1886 RFQ
30460 industrial automation 30460 ser3 15/32x1/2x3 sgs 2fl carbide sem altin 2828 RFQ
30480 industrial automation 30480 3b 5/32x3/16x2 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 1438 RFQ
30453 industrial automation 30453 ser3 23/64x3/8x2-1/2 sgs 2fl carbide sem altin 2405 RFQ
30524 industrial automation 30524 3/16 x 3/16 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde ball sem 2103 RFQ
35112 cutting tools 35112 1/4""tcarb 6-fl endmill carbide 2089 RFQ
30009 industrial automation 30009 ser1 19/64x5/16x2-1/2 sgs 4fl carbide sem altin 1786 RFQ
30455 industrial automation 30455 ser3 25/64x7/16x2-3/4 sgs 2fl carbide sem altin 2770 RFQ
30008 industrial automation 30008 ser1 9/32x5/16x2-1/2 sgs 4fl carbide sem altin 2057 RFQ
30472 industrial automation 30472 3b 1/32x1/8x1.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 1166 RFQ
30474 industrial automation 30474 3b 1/16x1/8x1.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 1669 RFQ
30478 industrial automation 30478 3b1/8x1/8x1/2x1.5altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 1591 RFQ
30001 industrial automation 30001 ser1 11/64x3/16x2 sgs 4fl carbide sem altin 1989 RFQ
30493 industrial automation 30493 3b 23/64x3/8x2.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 1159 RFQ
30532 industrial automation 30532 1/4 x 1/4 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde ball sem 1489 RFQ
30473 industrial automation 30473 3b 3/64x1/8x1.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 2044 RFQ
30523 industrial automation 30523 3/16 x 3/16 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde sem 1855 RFQ
30470 cutting tools end mill set 3 series, carbide material, altin, single end, 1/8 in smallest mill diameter, 1/2 in largest mill diameter, 2 flutes, 6 pieces 2482 RFQ
30489 industrial automation 30489 3b 19/64x5/16x2.5altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 1931 RFQ
30575 industrial automation 30575 1""x 1""sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde sem 2462 RFQ
30042 industrial automation 30042 1b 3/16x3/16x2 altin sgs 4fl ball carbide sem 2568 RFQ
30518 industrial automation 30518 9/64 x 3/16sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde ball sem 2831 RFQ
30593 industrial automation 30593 3b 9/16x9/16x3.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 2057 RFQ
30492 industrial automation 30492 3b 11/32x3/8x2.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 1656 RFQ
30037 industrial automation 30037 1b 7/64x1/8x1.5 altin sgs 4fl ball carbide sem 1273 RFQ
30451 industrial automation 30451 ser3 21/64x2/8x2-1/2 sgs 2fl carbide sem altin 1651 RFQ
30456 industrial automation 30456 ser3 13/32x7/16x2-3/4 sgs 2fl carbide sem altin 2877 RFQ
30486 industrial automation 30486 3b 1/4x1/4x2.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 2733 RFQ
33468 cutting tools 33468 1/2x1/2x1-5/8x4 3fl .030r tb 2520 RFQ
30030 cutting tools end mill set 1 series, carbide material, altin, single end, 1/8 in smallest mill diameter, 1/2 in largest mill diameter, 4 flutes, 6 pieces 2085 RFQ
30517 industrial automation 30517 9/64 x 3/16sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde sem 1553 RFQ
30469 industrial automation 30469 ser3 1/8x3/8x1/8x1-1/2 sgs 2fl carbide sem altin 2555 RFQ
30525 industrial automation 30525 13/64 x 1/4 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde sem 1356 RFQ
30491 industrial automation 30491 3b 21/64x3/8x2.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 1032 RFQ
34952 cutting tools 34952 3/4 endmill 3fl bn s-carb 2253 RFQ
30006 industrial automation 30006 ser1 1/4x1/4x2-1/2 sgs 4fl carbide sem altin 1260 RFQ
30477 industrial automation 30477 3b 7/64x1/8x1.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 1735 RFQ
30522 industrial automation 30522 11/64 x 3/16 sh cc 3fl sgs sol/cbde ball sem 1882 RFQ
30487 industrial automation 30487 3b 17/64x5/16x2.5altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 2013 RFQ
30482 industrial automation 30482 3b 3/16x3/16x2 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 2486 RFQ
51015 SERIES 101 15 cutting tools 51015 series 101 #15 2fl carbide drill 1171 RFQ
33407 cutting tools 33407 1/2". 1"loc. 3gl, sc, single end 2029 RFQ
30550 industrial automation 30550 25/64 x7/16 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde ball sem 1555 RFQ
31764 3 8""X 1-1 8"" cutting tools 31764 3/8""x 1-1/8""x 3""4fl carb altin 1998 RFQ
37207 cutting tools 37207 3/4 endmill 5fl .030r ta z-carb 1917 RFQ
30004 industrial automation 30004 ser1 7/32x1/4x2-1/2 sgs 4fl carbide sem altin 2316 RFQ
30527 industrial automation 30527 7/32 x 1/4 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde sem 1351 RFQ
30530 industrial automation 30530 15/64 x 1/4 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde ball sem 1462 RFQ
30526 industrial automation 30526 13/64 x 1/4 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde ball sem 2721 RFQ
30484 industrial automation 30484 3b 7/32x1/4x2.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 2727 RFQ
34934 cutting tools 34934 1 x 3-1/4 x 6 oal 3fl bn end mill 1331 RFQ
30569 industrial automation 30569 11/16 x 3/4 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde sem 1695 RFQ
30452 industrial automation 30452 ser3 11/32x3/8x2-1/2 sgs 2fl carbide sem altin 1744 RFQ
44725 16 0 ENDMILL 3 cutting tools 44725 16,0 endmill 3fl sq tb s-carb 1931 RFQ
30454 industrial automation 30454 ser3 3/8x3/8x2-1/2 sgs 2fl carbide sem altin 1416 RFQ
30459 industrial automation 30459 ser3 29/64x1/2x3 sgs 2fl carbide sem altin 1118 RFQ
30565 industrial automation 30565 9/16 x 9/16 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde sem 2368 RFQ
30531 industrial automation 30531 1/4 x 1/4 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde sem 2837 RFQ
37192 cutting tools 37192 1/2 endmill 5fl .030r ta z-carb 2149 RFQ
30029 industrial automation 30029 ser1 1/8x1/8x1-1/2 sgs 4fl carbide sem altin 2066 RFQ
30495 industrial automation 30495 3b25/64x7/16x2.75altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 2962 RFQ
30488 industrial automation 30488 3b 9/32x5/16x2.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 2946 RFQ
30563 industrial automation 30563 1/2 x 1/2 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde sem 1696 RFQ
30483 industrial automation 30483 3b 13/64x1/4x2.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 2702 RFQ
30551 industrial automation 30551 13/32 x 7/16 sh cc 3fl sgs sol/cbde sem 1889 RFQ
30516 industrial automation 30516 1/8 x 1/8 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde ball sem 1692 RFQ
30031 industrial automation 30031 1b 1/64x1/8x1.5 altin sgs 4fl ball carbide sem 2735 RFQ
30196 3 32 INCH DIAM cutting tools 30196 3/32 inch diameter, 9/32 inch 1920 RFQ
30457 industrial automation 30457 ser3 27/64x7/16x2-3/4 sgs 2fl carbide sem altin 2979 RFQ
30576 industrial automation 30576 1""x 1""sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde ball sem 1117 RFQ
30566 industrial automation 30566 9/16 x 9/16 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde ball sem 2172 RFQ
30475 industrial automation 30475 3b 5/64x1/8x1.5 altin sgs 2fl ball carbide sem 2792 RFQ
38506 1 2 ENDMILL 5F cutting tools 38506 1/2 endmill 5fl sq ta z-carb hpr 1825 RFQ
30560 industrial automation 30560 15/32 x 1/2 sh cc 3 fl sgs sol/cbde ball sem 1709 RFQ
30000 industrial automation 30000 ser1 5/32x3/16x2 sgs 4fl carbide sem altin 1811 RFQ
30005 industrial automation 30005 ser1 15/64x1/4x2-1/2 sgs 4fl carbide sem altin 2974 RFQ

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